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Библиографическое описание
Карта течения р. Сунгари от г. Гирин-Хотон до устья. - 1:1 680 000. - [Б. м. : б. и., 1890]. - 1 к. : цв.
Magnae Tartariae, Magni Mogolis Imperii, Iaponiae et Chinae : Nova Descriptio ex Tabula Ampliss Viri D.N. Witsen pro Majori parte aliis Auctoribus Excerpta et dita / per F. de Witt
Amstelodami Cum Privilegio. - [ca. 1:11 750 000]. - Amstelodami : F. de Wit ; [Cóvens et Mortier], [1700]. - 1 map : hand col.
Map of China and the surrounding regions : to illustrate the authors "History of Botanical Discoveries in China" / complied from the latest information by E. Bretschneider. - [1:1 500 000]. - St. Petersburg : Engraved and printed by A. Iliin, 1896. - 1 к. (4 л.) : цв.
Map of China : supplementary maps: I. Part of Northern Chili. II. The Mountains West of Peking. III. Mid China and the Yangtze River (in two sheets, A and B). IV. The Great Rivers of the Canton Province. V. Parts of Yunnan Province / by E. Bretschneider. - [1:1 500 000]. - St. Petersburg : Engraved and printed by A. Iliin, 1898. - 6 л. : цв.
Map of China and the surrounding regions : to illustrate the authors "History of Botanical Discoveries in China" Second thoroughly revised and enlarged edition / by E. Bretschneider. - [1:1 500 000]. - St. Petersburg : Engraved and printed by A. Iliin, 1900. - 1 к. (4 л.) : цв.
Das Himalaja Gebirg in Bissahir, Gherwal & Kemaun, von Südrande des Plateaus von Mittel-Tibet bis zum Tieflande von Hindostan : mit besonderer Rücksicht auf Carl Ritter's Allgemeine Erdkunde, II. Buch Th. 2, S. 493, auch S. 660 ff. / entworfen und bearbeiten von J.L. Grimm ; herausgegeben von C. Ritter und F.A. O'etzel
Map of China and the surrounding regions : complited from latest information by E. Bretschneider. To illustrate the author`s "History of Botanical Discoveries in China"
Map of China Compiled from original Surveys & Sketches : by James Wyld Geographer to the Queen