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Библиографическое описание
[Géographie ancienne Abrégée Par M. d'Anville, de l'Académiet des Belles-Lettres & de celle des Sciences de Pétersbourg, Sécretaire de Son Altesse Sérénissime Monsieur le Duc d'Orleans.] 11 карт. 1) Gallia Antiqua, 1760; 2) Orbis Romani Pars Orientalis, 1764; 3) Orbis Romani Occidentalis, 1763; 4) Veteribus Notus, 1763; 5) Italiae Antiquae 1764; 6) Graeciae Antiquae, 1762; 7) Asiae Minor et Syriae, 1764; 8) La Palestine, 1767; 9) Aegyptus Antiqua, 1765; 10) Ad antiquam Indiae, 1765; 11) Germanie, France, Italie, Espagne, Isles Britanniques, 1771.
Карта Индии с ея политическими разделениями / составленная в 1836 году
Индия, Пакистан и Цейлон [Карты]
Karte von Assam und seinen Nachbar=Ländern / Gest . v. W. Brose u W. Iaeck in Berlin. - 1:1 000 000. - Gotha : Justus Perthes, 1834. - 1 к. : цв.
Upper swat canal project. - [1:31 500]. - Roorkee : Photo-mechl. and Litho. Dept. Thomason College, 1905. - 1 к. : цв.
Karte von Alt-Indien zu Prof. Chr. Lassens Indischer Alterthumskunde bearbeitet und gezeichnet von Dr. H. Kiepert. A Map of ancient Iindia with the Indian classical and principal modern names, to illustrate Prof. Lassens Indian Antiquities drawy by Henry Kiepert
Military map of Hazara / Lurveryed by Lieut D.G. Robinson Eng. in 1848.49... G.I. Survey of India in 1854-55. - [1:126 700]. - Calcutta : Surveyor General`s Office, 1868. - 1 к. (4 л.) : цв.
District Akyab 1853 to 61 : British Burmah revenue survey / compilation by J.O.N. James. [1:253 000]. - Calcutta : Surveyor General`s Office, 1865. - 1 к. : цв.
Districts of Jhilam, Shahpoor and Leia : Sheet № 8 of the Kohistan of the Sind Saugor Doab in 8 sheets ; seasons 1857-58, 58-59. - [1:63 000]. - [S. l.] : J & C. Walker, [1859]. - 1 к. (2 л.)
Districts of Rawul-Pindi, Jhilam and Shahpoor : Sheet № 7 of the Kohistan of the Sind Saugor Doab in 8 sheets ; seasons 1855-56, 56-57. - [1:63 000]. - [S. l.] : J & C. Walker, [1857]. - 1 к. (2 л.)