Количество материалов
Библиографическое описание
Districts of Jhilam, Shahpoor and Leia : Sheet № 8 of the Kohistan of the Sind Saugor Doab in 8 sheets ; seasons 1857-58, 58-59. - [1:63 000]. - [S. l.] : J & C. Walker, [1859]. - 1 к. (2 л.)
Districts of Rawul-Pindi, Jhilam and Shahpoor : Sheet № 7 of the Kohistan of the Sind Saugor Doab in 8 sheets ; seasons 1855-56, 56-57. - [1:63 000]. - [S. l.] : J & C. Walker, [1857]. - 1 к. (2 л.)
Chart of the first section of the North-west series / under the superintendence of laeut-Colonel A. S.Waugh, Engineers, Surveyor General of India. 1847 to 1854. - [1:253 000]. - [S. l. : s. n. ], [1854]. - 1 к. (2 л.)
Bengal, Behar & Orissa : comprising the lieut: governorship of Bengal / complited from the latesy materials and published under the direction of col. H.L. Thuilier, F.R.G.S., Surveyor general of India. - [1: 2 027 520]. - Calcutta : Surveyor General`s Office, 1868. - 1 к. : цв.
Charte von Asien : nach de bewährtesten astronomischen Beobachtungen den neuesten Reisen, und de vorzü̈glichsten Charten, insonderheit aber der Geographie de Hrn I.C. Gatterers. gemäss Stereographisch entworfen von F.L. Güssefeld 1798 Nürnberg bey Hom. Erben. Mit. Rom Kaysserf. allergn. Freyheit. - Nürnberg : Homanns Erben, 1798. - 1 к. : грав., раскраш.
Asiae Recentissima Delineatio, qua Status et Imperia Totius Orientis unacum Orientalibus Indiis exhibentur / authore Ioh: Bapt: Homanno S.C.M. Geographo. - Noriberg : Johann Baptist Homann, [1720]. - 1 к. : грав., раскраш.
Сharte von Asien : nach den besten Zuellen, und den neuesten Reisebeschreibungen, entworfen und gezeichnet von Friedrich Wilhelm Streit, Königl: Preufs: Hauptmann von der Artillerie. - [1:14 000 000]. - Nürnberg : bei Freidrich Campe, 1815. - 1 к. : грав., раскраш.
Magnae Tartariae, Magni Mogolis Imperii, Iaponiae et Chinae : Nova Descriptio ex Tabula Ampliss Viri D.N. Witsen pro Majori parte aliis Auctoribus Excerpta et dita / per F. de Witt
Amstelodami Cum Privilegio. - [ca. 1:11 750 000]. - Amstelodami : F. de Wit ; [Cóvens et Mortier], [1700]. - 1 map : hand col.
Map of China and the surrounding regions : to illustrate the authors "History of Botanical Discoveries in China" / complied from the latest information by E. Bretschneider. - [1:1 500 000]. - St. Petersburg : Engraved and printed by A. Iliin, 1896. - 1 к. (4 л.) : цв.
Map of China : supplementary maps: I. Part of Northern Chili. II. The Mountains West of Peking. III. Mid China and the Yangtze River (in two sheets, A and B). IV. The Great Rivers of the Canton Province. V. Parts of Yunnan Province / by E. Bretschneider. - [1:1 500 000]. - St. Petersburg : Engraved and printed by A. Iliin, 1898. - 6 л. : цв.