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Карты и атласы

Количество материалов


Библиографическое описание
Ice chart of the southern hemisphere / compiled from the voyages of Cook 1772-5, Bellinghausen 1819-21, Weddell 1822-4, Foster, 1828-9, Biscoe 1930-2, Ballleny, 1839, D'Urville 1839, Wilkes 1839, Ross 1841-2-3, Scott 1901-4, and Shackleton 1908-9, from the papers on ice-bergs in the Southern Ocean by Mr. Towson 1855-59, from the 12th No. Meteorological papers (Board of Trade) 1865 & documents in the Hydrographic Office, 1874 ; published at the Admiralty 20th Jany. 1874 ; Engraved by Malby & Sons
Mt. Desert island. Maine / topogr. surveyed by J.W. Donn Assistant between 1871 and 1874
Frenchmans Bay and eastern part of Mt. Desert Island, Maine / U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey
Carte du Danube et de ses embranchements entre Braila et la mer levée en 1870-1871 / Commission Europenne du Danube ; par Robert Hansford, arpenteur de la Commission et Charles Kühl, ingér. civil sous la direction de Sir Charles A. Hartley, ingénieur en chef
Carta hypsometrica de Portugal / Commissao do Serviço geologico
Carta geologica de Portugal / por J.F.N. Delgado e Paul Choffat
Province of Chih-Li (Southern Sheet)
South Polar chart : from various authorities with amendments and additions to 1926 ; Magnetic Variation Curves for 1912
Egypt and the Nile. - ('The Times' Atlas)
Northern Africa. - ('The Times' Atlas)